Follow the waves


My heartfelt intention is to set aside space for you, free of appeals for your attention or energy, a time that is all your own.

The work reflects and meets with the slower, restorative rhythms of the nervous system, to support the body's inherent vitality.

Sessions are inspired and informed by Ortho-Bionomy, positional release, Neuromuscular Reprogramming, Craniosacral, and Trigger Point therapy.
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"Stephanie is intuitive enough to find trigger points that you never knew existed. Her healing hands have worked wonders on my spasming shoulder blades and lower back, and she has also significantly helped subdue the arthritis in my hands." - Ben J., client more client stories...

Mutual Awakening meditation sessions

Mutual Awakening is an emergent, spiritual practice that's done together, speaking and with our eyes open. Our shared attention awakens the space We are in, allowing for a shared, unitive experience that's beyond our social personas, or strategies for communicating. We feel a sense of unity with each other, opening us up to more freedom from the ego, and more intimacy with Life and ourselves.

Sessions can be for yourself or you and a loved one. Experience an introductory, no-cost, guided Mutual Awakening session,. It would be a joy to connect with you.

integrative bodywork & manual therapy

stephanie shindler, cmt

(home) about sessions & what to expect rates & booking about me contact & locations
restorative, restore, resilience, resilient, vitality, health, inherent, relax, relaxation, peace, stillness, stillpoint, sanctuary, anxiety, depression, stress, coping, trauma, heart, mind, body mind, heart mind, ground, grounding, somatic, awareness, meditation, presence, present, supportive touch, healing touch, body-mind, bodymind nervous system, brain, spinal cord, spine, back, hip, hips, shoulder, shoulders, neck, head, feet, joint, joints, jaw, tmj postural assessment, posture, alignment, pain, migraine, headache, headaches, sciatica, tmd bodywork, massage, trigger point therapy, LMT, CMT, Neuromuscular Reprogramming, Neurokinetic Therapy, reiki, Ortho-Bionomy, Ortho Bionomy, positional release, positioning, unwinding, group soul, integral, evolutionary collective, mutual awakening, meditation, evolutionary consciousness, consciousness, We-space, affordable, sliding scale, San Francisco, Berkeley, Bay Area, California, SF, East Bay